If you have extra funds that you can invest, now is the best time to buy. Buy low and Sell high, investment experts say. Crises allow investors an opportunity to buy because prices are low. During crisis, buying in real estate is like buying in the mall while on sale.

Invest in a prime location here in Mactan. Aside from our very strategic location, we do have our own beach inside the township…
Do checkout this preselling Condotel👇👇👇

❄BELMONT HOTEL at The Mactan Newtown is now open for reservations.
You can now have your very own hotel unit.

👉BELMONT HOTEL Manila has been around for quite a while, and Cebu is lucky to have one here. Estimated turnover for Belmont hotel – Mactan is last quarter of 2021.🏙

No need to wait, for only 25,000 reservation and for as low as 15,000 start monthly, you can own this Hassle-free and Worry-free Investment. Fast return of Investment and enjoy a 30-free day stay on the hotel every year.👌

We also have other projects to offer.
Message me or contact 0936.388.4757📲📧
for information, details and site tour.✅