For As Low As 10% Downpayment You Can Have Your Own Dreamhouse Near The Beach
Reasons To Invest In Cebu:
- Near Mactan International Airport
- Cradle of Phillippine History, ASEAN City of Culture
- The Queen City of The South (with at least 9 economic zones)
- Emerging Global City (Metro Cebu)
- Great Display of Biodiversity and Natural Wealth
Why Invest in Mactan?
- Rising Tourist Arrivals – This is a big boost for the rental market for investment properties.
- Business Opportunities – Furniture-Making, IT, Tourism, Clothing, etc.
- Culture And Modernization – It combines modernization & tradition.
- Rich Natural Resources – Maintained a natural healthy environment.
- Business Outsourcing – Cebu is considered one of the best in business outsourcing.
- Environmental and Climate Security – Not within the earthquake zone, typhoon belt, and no volcanoes in the area.
- Peace and Order – Cebu has one of the best records in the country.
- Mactan Airport Expansion – The proximity of Mactan Airport would fuel possible sources of rental and real estate income for property investors.